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The Biggies Bellies

Design of backgrounds, props and color palette for “The Biggies Bellies

The Biggies Bellies” is a 2D animation series made by “Monkey Toons Animation Studio“. Original idea of “Famosa

It has been great making all the backgrounds and props for this fun and colorful series. Bellywood is a world full of food; many sweets, fruits and vegetables. There are broccoli trees in the area of the little houses, giant donuts in the Chocofruti park and many new places to discover, such as Croissant Mountain, the Yogurt Pools or a new delicious, elongated and orange vegetable!

All the backgrounds and props I have designed directly in Adobe Animate. In this way it is easier to work as a team with the animators and the creative director.

Here you have all the episodes: click here

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